GoMac Tip #12: If you choose the Printers option from the Settings menu in the Start Menu, GoMac will open the Chooser for you.
GoMac Tip #11: Click and hold on the Finder in the Program Bar to display the available memory.
GoMac Tip #10: Copy aliases of your most commonly used applications or documents into the Start Menu Items folder. The items will then appear in your Start Menu for easy access.
GoMac Tip #13: To open a document with a program in the program bar, just drag the document's icon on the program button. Very handy!
GoMac Tip #9: Drag and drop your favorite applications or documents onto the Start button. GoMac will add them to the Start Menu for you.
GoMac Tip #8: Hold down the option key when switching programs to hide the program you are leaving.
GoMac Tip #7: Configure GoMac to "Hide programs after switch" if you do not want to be bothered by programs in the background.
GoMac Tip #6: Click on the clock to see today's date and a handy pop-up calendar!
GoMac Tip #5: The Settings in the Start Menu give you instant access to your Control Panels, Extensions manager, the Chooser, Monitor settings and GoMac.
GoMac Tip #4: GoMac can be configured to work with third party Find programs. Visit the Program Bar settings.
GoMac Tip #3: Click and hold on a program button to display the memory used.
GoMac Tip# 2: Use your RAM more efficiently by closing unused programs. Click and hold on the program button in the Program Bar.
GoMac Tip #1: Switch between programs by clicking on them in the Program Bar at the bottom of your screen.
In the GoMac control panel you can choose to have GoMac add a Drives menu to the Start Menu. This gives you instant access to all mounted volumes!
Want to restart? Shut down? Sleep? Choose Shut Down… from the Start Menu.
Recent programs, documents, and servers are instantly available in the Start Menu.
Choose "Program Bar" from the Settings menu in the Start Menu to customize GoMac.
Join many other satisfied customers. Register now!
You can temporarily toggle Auto hide by holding down the Command key and clicking anywhere in the Program Bar.
To open the Start Menu Items folder, hold down the Option key and click on the Start button. (Or choose "Start Menu Items" from the Settings menu.)
Drag any icon onto the Start button to install it in the Start Menu.
Did you know that aliases in the Start Menu Items folder appear in the Start Menu?
Press 'W' or 'H' to show or hide a program while using the Keyboard Program Switcher.
Press 'Q' or 'X' while in the Keyboard Program Switcher to quit the selected program.
With "Keyboard Program Switching" turned on, you can use the Tab key to switch between programs.
Register GoMac now with your internet connection. Click "Register" to fill out the eRegister order form.
Register GoMac by mail. See the GoMac control panel for details and to print an order form.
Register GoMac on the web at http://www.proteron.com.
Answers to frequently asked questions about GoMac are available at the Proteron web site: http://www.proteron.com/gomac.
Visit the Proteron web site at http://www.proteron.com/gomac for the latest version of GoMac.
You have been using GoMac for several weeks now. Please register.